Canine Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

Canine Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) occurs due to the inability of the pancreas to secrete sufficient digestive enzymes.

Without a steady supply of these enzymes food cannot be digested and as a result the nutrients cannot be absorbed This results in maldigestion and nutrients not being absorbed.

Symptoms of EPI in Dogs:

  • Diarrhoea, or greasy/oily stools
  • Vomiting
  • Polyphagia (eating exsessive amounts of food)
  • Cow-pat like stools
  • Rapid weight loss or failure to thrive
  • Sounds in the tummy
  • Gas, abdominal discomfort
  • Eating faeces
  • Poor coat condition

Early diagnosis leads to early therapy!

A dog treated with the right medication and diet is able to live a normal life! Our test can be used to identify or exclude EPI, even in dogs with inflammatory bowel disease.

Available test kits for EPI

Our test is a non-invasive test with a Sensitivity of 95.3% and Specificity of 92%

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Feclab Laboratories

Feclab Laboratories


Feclab Specialise in Faecal Egg counts for Companion Animals, Equine, Livestock & Poultry.

Unfortunately due to an unexpected power cut in our area, our phone lines and emails are down.
Please bear with is while the electricity board rectify this.
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Just a reminder that there is a Bank Holiday this weekend therefore please avoid posting samples after Thursday, until Tuesday.
We hope you have a great weekend!
Many thanks
The Feclab Team
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Thanks for the reminder!!

This is incredible!! I keep imagining how Dr. Vincent brought my husband back to me in just 15 hours. No one can make me believe that there is a spell wheel that really works. This spell should be on the powers of the lovers. Because now I am happy with my husband. And also providing services such as marriage, relationship issues, cases, networking, protection, communication and much more. You can contact on his Whatsapp number +2347052126399 [email protected]

Have you carried out a FEC and Equisal tapeworm test for your horse/s recently? If not then they are available on our website.THE WORM THAT TURNED: ANTHELMINTIC RESISTANCE IN TAPEWORM🪱

It's important to target worming only to horses that require treatment because anthelmintic resistance is now a real threat to effective control of tapeworm.

With FEC tests offering poor sensitivity for detecting tapeworm infection, the EquiSal test measures tapeworm-specific antibodies in saliva. This enables sensitive detection of infection to inform anti-tapeworm treatments.

Analysis of the 2015-2023 UK EquiSal dataset (below) demonstrates that, overall, only 1 in 3 horses is recommended for treatment, considerably reducing anthelmintic applications and, thus, protecting efficacy.

EquiSal Tapeworm kits are available via >500 veterinary and SQP stockists in the UK. Through postal collection points, the service is accessible for testing horses in the EU.

For further information go to or email: [email protected]
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Have you carried out a FEC and Equisal tapeworm test for your horse/s recently? If not then they are available on our website.

Just a reminder that there is a Bank Holiday this weekend therefore please avoid posting samples after Thursday, until Tuesday. This may cause delays with Royal Mail next week too.
Many thanks
The Feclab Team
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🐑Now is the time to start faecal egg counts (FECs) on February and March-born lambs, says SCOPS🐑

While roundworm activity so far this season has been relatively low, the Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep (SCOPS) Group says the recent temperature increase means this could change quickly on many farms, as warm, damp conditions encourage larvae to hatch from eggs and develop into infective larvae on pastures.

To fond out more, follow the link below⤵️
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Happy Friday!
Now Resolved 🤞
Our website seems to have taken an early weekend! Please bear with us while we resolve this 😉
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Bank Holiday Reminder
Please avoid sending samples from tomorrow, until Tuesday, to avoid being held over the BH.
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⚠️ Nematodirus Update - Protect your Lambs ⚠️
You may have recently seen an update from SCOPS, highlighting the earlier than usual appearance of Nematodirus this year.
Please check the map for your area and where risk is heightened a proactive approach, where lambs are outside grazing should be taken to protect them. Timing is key!
While Nematodirus can be seen in a FEC, by this point it can often be too late.Has your spot changed colour yet?!🔴⚫️

Track the threat of nematodirus to YOUR flock with the ‘traffic lights’ on the SCOPS Nematodirus Forecast map🐑

More at
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⚠️ Nematodirus Update - Protect your Lambs ⚠️
You may have recently seen an update from SCOPS, highlighting the earlier than usual appearance of Nematodirus this year.
Please check the map for your area and where risk is heightened a proactive approach, where lambs are outside grazing should be taken to protect them. Timing is key!
While Nematodirus can be seen in a FEC, by this point it can often be too late.
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