Types of worm

Why do a faecal egg counts for Dogs!
Dogs can get a variety of intestinal parasites, including some that are commonly referred to as “worms.” Infestations of intestinal worms can cause a variety of symptoms.

Sometimes dogs demonstrate few to no outward signs of infection, and the infestation can go undetected despite being a potentially serious health problem. Some canine parasitic worms are hazards for humane health as well.

Dog Roundworm

Roundworms are canine common internal parasites in dogs. Resembling spaghetti, adult worms are three to four inches long. There are several ways dogs can become infected.

Dog Hookworm

Hookworms are much smaller than roundworms—less than an inch long—and reside primarily in the small intestine. Because they feed on an animal’s blood, hookworms can cause life-threatening anemia. Hookworm eggs are passed in the stool and hatch into larvae, and dogs can become infected either through ingestion or skin contact. Please note, hookworms are more common in dogs than cats.

Dog Tapeworm

Long and flat, tapeworms are segmented parasites and range from 4 to 28 inches in length. An infestation can cause vomiting or weight loss. Dogs acquire tapeworms by ingesting an intermediate host, like an infected flea or rodent. When dogs are infected, tapeworm segments—actual pieces of the worm that resemble grains of rice—can often be seen on the fur around a dogs hind end.

Dog Lungworm

Unlike intestinal parasites, lungworms reside in the lungs of a dog. Most dogs will not show any signs of having lungworms, but some can develop a cough. Snails and slugs are popular intermediate hosts of this type of parasite, but dogs are usually infected after eating a bird or rodent who has ingested an intermediate host.or drinking from streams or puddles.


Our Lungworm faecal sample test is done using a technique called Baermann flotation , which may show larvae of both Angiostrongylus and Crenosoma but bear in mind that larvae may only be present intermittently in the faeces and dogs may show clinical signs such as coughing prior to the larvae being present in the faeces.

The faecal sample is suspended in a solution for 24 hours, Then analysed, Lungworm Faecal tests are not 100% , if you know of Lungworm cases in your area a veterinary blood test is advisable.

Available test kits for Dogs & Cats

You can now purchase your freepost Animal specific worm egg count from our website. You will receive your result via email. In some cases we may post positive results i.e. for lungworm, if confirmation of receipt is not received. Our staff are fully qualified Amtra SQP’s able to advice on Anthelmintic products.

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Cover for Feclab Laboratories
Feclab Laboratories

Feclab Laboratories


Feclab Specialise in Faecal Egg counts for Companion Animals, Equine, Livestock & Poultry.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, from the Feclab Team ... See MoreSee Less

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, from the Feclab Team

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Merry Christmas to all of you beautiful lot !! ❤️and merry pawsmas Teddy🧸

Back at you all⭐️

UK: Wednesday 18th of December 24
Chanel Islands, Jersey, Guernsey IRL & ROI: Monday 16th of December 24

The last day for dispatching orders placed Via tracked 48 and Tracked 24 is: Friday 20th of December 24. It is worth noting that some orders may be delayed due to Royal Mail delays.

Please avoid sending samples between the 19th Of December and the 3rd of January
Please note: Samples sent between these dates may not be valid if held up in the Royal Mail system and will not be replaced.
If it is an emergency, please contact us via email.

24th Office - closed from 1pm
24th Lab - open until 1pm
25th - 27th - Lab & Office Closed
28th - Lab open until 12pm (Office Closed)
30th - Lab open until 12pm
31st December - 2nd January - Lab & Office Closed
3rd January - Open as normal (please note this is a Friday though)

Please post your samples no later than today (16th Dec) unless using special delivery to return the samples.
The Equisal Lab will be closed between the 24th and the 1st of January.
... See MoreSee Less

UK: Wednesday 18th of December 24 
Chanel Islands, Jersey, Guernsey IRL & ROI: Monday 16th of December 24

The last day for dispatching orders placed Via tracked 48 and Tracked 24 is: Friday 20th of December 24. It is worth noting that some orders may be delayed due to Royal Mail delays.

Please avoid sending samples between the 19th Of December and the 3rd of January 
Please note: Samples sent between these dates may not be valid if held up in the Royal Mail system and will not be replaced. 
If it is an emergency, please contact us via email.

24th Office - closed from 1pm 
24th Lab - open until 1pm
25th - 27th - Lab & Office Closed
28th - Lab open until 12pm (Office Closed) 
30th - Lab open until 12pm
31st December - 2nd January - Lab & Office Closed 
3rd January - Open as normal  (please note this is a Friday though)

Please post your samples no later than today (16th Dec) unless using special delivery to return the samples. 
The Equisal Lab will be closed between the 24th and the 1st of January.

Exciting news!
We are pleased to announce that we have invested in several machines that test both small animals and livestock.
Keep an eye out for our news letter over the next few weeks!
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Exciting news! 
We are pleased to announce that we have invested in several machines that test both small animals and livestock. 
Keep an eye out for our news letter over the next few weeks!Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Hello, I sent an urgent message this morning that I need a response to please- can anyone check for me?

Have you worn your wellies to work, to support our British Farmers?
#backbritishfarmingbackbritishfarming #backbritishfarmers Back British Farming NFU FarmingUK
... See MoreSee Less

Have you worn your wellies to work, to support our British Farmers? 
#backbritishfarmingbackbritishfarming #backbritishfarmers Back British Farming NFU FarmingUK

We will be wearing our wellies today, in support of British Farmers and the farming community!
#backbritishfarming #backbritishfarmersTo all our farmers heading down to London today, and all our farmers having to stay behind to milk, to feed calves, to tend to their flocks and pigs - to do what they do every single day.

To those who own their farms, and to those that rent their farms. To those who have enjoyed a lifetime working their land and building a resilient business that the next generation are excited to take on. To those that are just starting out and battling to make ends meet. To those who have invested heavily in getting their farms future proofed. To those who probably should be slowing down a bit, but can't. To those who love their way of life, and those that are questioning their way of life. To those who are struggling to know what to do next. To those who are terrified of what might come next.

To those who work so hard to feed our nation, take care of our beautiful countryside and pass on your knowledge, work ethic and lifestyle to the next generation.

Know that we stand right behind you. The whole bloody country does.

#backbritishfarming #backbritishfarmers #westandwithyou #britishfarming
#teamdairy #teambeef #teamsheep

... See MoreSee Less

We will be wearing our wellies today, in support of British Farmers and the farming community! 
#backbritishfarming #backbritishfarmers
4 months ago

🥂 National SQP Awards Online Store Of The Year 2024 🥂
We are absolutrly delighted to announce that FECLAB won the National SQP Award for Online Store of the Year 2024.
A few of the team missing from the pictures, but a lovely day was had by all!
A special Thank You to all of our lovely customers, for being part of our journey so far!
... See MoreSee Less

🥂 National SQP Awards Online Store Of The Year 2024 🥂
We are absolutrly delighted to announce that FECLAB won the National SQP Award for Online Store of the Year 2024. 
A few of the team missing from the pictures, but a lovely day was had by all! 
A special Thank You to all of our lovely customers, for being part of our journey so far!Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

10 CommentsComment on Facebook

Brilliant! That’s amazing!


Well done team Feclab 👏🏻👏🏻

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Notice: Friday the 15th of November
We will be open at a reduced staffing rate on Friday the 15th due to some of the team attending the National SQP Awards in London.
Please be reassured that samples will still be tested, however results will be sent on Monday, for W & LW samples arriving Thursday and Friday and W samples arriving on Friday.
Wish us luck!
... See MoreSee Less

Notice: Friday the 15th of November
We will be open at a reduced staffing rate on Friday the 15th due to some of the team attending the National SQP Awards in London. 
Please be reassured that samples will still be tested, however results will be sent on Monday, for W & LW samples arriving Thursday and Friday and W samples arriving on Friday. 
Wish us luck!Image attachment
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