Equine Lungworm Kit


If grazing your horses / ponies alongside donkeys then it is advised that you carry out a faecal egg count for your donkeys, who are assumed to be the natural host of the parasite (as well as your horses if lung worm is suspected).

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Equine Lungworm Kit

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If grazing your horses / ponies alongside donkeys then it is advised that you carry out a faecal egg count for your donkeys, who are assumed to be the natural host of the parasite (as well as your horses if lung worm is suspected). Lungworm larvae can live on pasture a long time, therefore good pasture management can help reduce infection for the equine (and donkeys). Donkeys and equines can live together quite safely, provided that you adopt a good de-worming programme with your vet.

Donkeys, which usually show few signs of the infection, are the prime source of pasture contamination for horses.

See types of worm

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